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Exceptional service in the national interest Our unique responsibilities in the nuclear weapons program create a foundation from which we leverage capabilities, enabling us to solve complex national security problems. Committed to science with the mission in mind, Sandia creates innovative, scien... Skip to main content Sandia National Laboratories: Exceptional Service in the National Interest NATIONAL SECURITY LEADER LAURA MCGILL NAMED NEXT DIRECTOR OF SANDIA Laura to lead Labs effective May 1 Read More B61-12 SYSTEM PRODUCTION ENDS, SUSTAINMENT BEGINS Weapon fully transitions into stockpile sustainment Read More SANDIAAI CHAT: NEW TOOL FOR CREATING EFFICIENCIES First in the enterprise to gain access to innovative, time-saving tool Read More HONORING EXCELLENCE NNSA recognizes Sandians for national security contributions Read More HEY! WHERE’S MY QUBIT? Vanishing atoms can ruin quantum calculations. Scientists have a new plan to locate leaks. Read More Exceptional service in the national interest Our unique responsibilities in the nuclear weapons program create a foundation from which we leverage capabilities, enabling us to solve complex national security problems. National Security Is Our Business For 75 years, Sandia has delivered essential science and technology to resolve th

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