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The Audi MediaCenter is a service by Audi Communications for media professionals offering an overview of the latest news as well as comprehensive search options. Audi MediaCenter News from the world of Audi Audi at a glance Facts about the four rings Sustainability The strategy towards a sustainable future Financial figures Economic performance at a glance A class act: the new Audi A6 Avant 03/04/2025 Learn more 1 The all-rounder for every day: the Audi Q5 03/10/2025 Audi and DAZN: major-league thrills in your car 03/12/2025 Efficient technologies for sustainable driving 03/04/2025 Media Service MediaInfos Images Videos Dates Newsletter Press contacts MediaInfos In this section, you’ll find the latest MediaInfos from AUDI AG. 2 Company 02/27/2025 Audi creates structures for accelerated transformation Audi sets its sights on greater speed with a more efficient organization and less complexity. The prelude to this was the introduction of the matrix organization and the strengthening of the model series structure at the beginning of the year. Now, another important step is to follow: Audi will bundle its transformation functions in the new organiz

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