General Questions
What is this website for?
Our website allows you to download videos from various online platforms by pasting the video URL. You can save your favorite content for offline viewing.
Is this service free?
Yes, the service is completely free.
Do I need to create an account to use the website?
No account is required. Just paste the video URL and download your video.
Supported Platforms
Which websites are supported?
We support a wide range of platforms, including popular ones like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, and more. For a full list of supported sites, please refer to the Supported Platforms page.
Can I download private videos?
No, we only support publicly accessible videos. Videos behind logins or privacy settings are not downloadable.
Technical Issues
The video won’t download. What should I do?
Ensure the URL is correct and the video is publicly accessible. If the problem persists, try refreshing the page or contacting our support team.
Why is my download slow?
Download speeds depend on your internet connection and the source website’s servers. For faster downloads, use a stable and high-speed internet connection.
The video format I want is not available. Why?
If your preferred format isn’t listed, it might not be supported.